Tuesday, May 1, 2012

TWD: Hungarian Shortbread

So far in life I have not met a shortbread I didn't like...somehow that buttery salty flavor and the crumbly texture just always hits the spot for me.

I'm not sure what makes this Hungarian tho, the internets have failed to tell me in my feeble attempt at googling it. Maybe its the technique? the Jam? the egg yolks? Meh... who knows, since I skipped the technique and the jam, lets hope its not one of those.

You can grab the recipe from our TWD hosts or on page 327 of the book Baking with Julia

Hey you ever spend the whole weekend watching the last Harry Potter movies followed by a Firefly marathon? Somehow my world seems very tweaked today...like no one is speaking properly.... 


  1. I assumed the jam was the Hungarian addition. They're famous for those jammy crepes.
    Yours look delicious!

  2. I love shortbread too, this one wasn't my favorite.

  3. Yeah, the Hungarian connection was baffling; but will all that butter, it didn't matter - it was just good.
    Great job & thanks for baking along this week.

  4. I know what you mean. I watched downton abbey in one go on a long plane ride and man...did I have some weird dreams.

    Nice job on the shortbread! It's looks quite lovely!
