Tuesday, November 8, 2011

TWD: Mini Madelines

Oh Madeline... why must you stick? I take every precaution and your cakey goodness still taunts me. Maybe I need to do the unthinkable and ditch my current Madeline pan for silicone but its so hard to get rid of what should be a good decent pan. I have to peruse all the other Madeline baker posts this week to find out what they did to avoid the stickage because the thought of silicone makes me cringe.

Well regardless of their reluctance to leave the coziness confines of the pan, they were yummy and possible worth the trouble. Should you be so inclined you can get the full recipe from Di over at Di's Kitchen Notebook this week.


  1. A couple of mine tried to stick, but most were okay. I always use baking spray with flour (eg Pam for Baking) on my molds. Seems to work pretty well.

  2. The mads look great - and Kayte says don't ditch your pan for silicone as the metal pans give the best results. Perhaps one more round with the Earl Grey mads in December?

  3. I have GOT to get a maddy pan. They are so pretty.
