Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD Baking with Julia: White Loaves

Mmmmm bread... I'm a carb-o-holic, I could never be on Atkins. Give up meat for a diet? Sure.... but keep your grubby paws off my bread bitches!

The idea that you can make a delicious loaf of bread at home is right up there on the happiness scale with making delicious chocolate chip cookies at 11:30 at night just because you felt like it. Its so incredibly easy it makes me wonder why we all don't do it more often, convenience has taken over our taste buds!

I rolled a little brown sugar and cinnamon into one of them just for kicks and left the other plain. The house smelled fantastic and the loaves came out with a perfect crumb. This will definitely be happening again in my house.

You can find the recipe on page 81-82 of Baking with Julia by Dorie Greenspan. I've had this book for years and I'm so excited that the Tuesdays with Dorie crew decided to keep things going with it. If you haven't already joined in, head on over to TWD for the rules and to sign up!


  1. It looks so good! I wish mine would have turned out like yours! Can you believe how many blogs we have to look at...Im sure I will not get to all of them today!!

  2. You did the swirl too! The swirl bread was definitely more of a hit than the regular around here.

    Imagine that. A One and Three year old that like sugar!

  3. So many did that cinnamon swirl thing! You know I am kicking myself right now. :)

  4. Both versions look delicious! My bread is long gone and it's hard to look at everyone's photos today!

  5. lovely loaves! I love how you photographed them w/the book :)

  6. I really wish I had thought of the cinnamon swirl - looks great.

  7. I'm right there with you on the carb thing. I'll even pass up dessert so I can have more bread, and fresh bread like this is worth it!
